The Pellet Stove Store | BC | Alberta | Saskatchewan | Pellet Stoves | Manitoba | Ontario | Canada

Special Offer
Pellet Stove Black Door S2505B
Made in Canada For Over 35 Years!!
                        Only $2199
Pellet Stove F2901 Free Standing
Made in Canada For Over 35 Years!!
                        Only $2299
Pellet Stove J1812 Black door ONLY
Made in Canada For Over 35 Years!!
                        Only $2799

We will ship to you - where ever you are in North America and for probably less than what you might think. Take advantage of the discounted Wood Pellet Stove internet pricing. Our alternative and innovated heaters will help preserve our forests and our environment by using waste products to heat our homes. Clean Burning, None Polluting, and Highly Efficient stoves which produce very Low Ash. Wood Pellet Stove are environmentally conscious, producing low emissions and burning waste wood by-product pellets. Many of our clients save a lot of money on their house gas heating bills. Think smart, act smart, be smart! Enjoy the comfort with dry and clean heat. Our convenient online store, the safety and reliability of  state-of-the-art components, and the economy and easy of use of wood pellet fuel can be the solution that you have been looking for. 

Replacement parts are always on hand and can be shipped out the same day in most cases. Igniters, exhaust fans motors, convection fan motors, control boards, screen savers, burn pots are all stocked in our warehouse. Technical support and customer service is only a phone call away..

Free standing  and inserts models can be answer to all your heating concerns as they produce High heat output with very low maintenance. Pellet stove for sale has been designed to the most stringent and rigid safety specifications and built to last. Wood Pellet stove are ideal for stand alone installations and the Pellet Inserts are designed to fit into existing fireplaces. Standard and oversized surround kits are available to accommodate most fireplace openings. 

The state-of-the-art controller is mounted conveniently on top of the heater for easy reach and

operating. No more bending over, twisting and sliding on your knees. The S1902 and the S1802 both use a unique interface. It operates in the manual mode, temperature mode and timed mode. The room temperature is displayed on your screen and all you have to do is enter the target temperature and press start - the heater will do the rest. Program the times for the heater to come on and go off automatically. All components are displayed on the screen with a symbol for easy monitoring of operation and running condition.

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